I try to be very candid with the lessons I’m learning and what I share. To be honest, this one is a hard one, but I want to share anyway.
My mommy friend who I also take the train with text me mid afternoon to confirm what time train I would be on. I shared the train time, which is 20 minutes earlier than our usual time, and doesn’t make all the local stops. We agreed to meet at our usual spot as we were both aiming for it.
When the appointed time came, my friend called me asking me to pick up her daughter as she may not be able to pick up her up on time due to an emergency that was unfolding. Her niece had called because she saw an older lady in distress and the lady had a little boy with her.
When my friend got to the scene, an ambulance had already been called because the older lady had been unconscious, but my friend was concerned about the little boy. He was unkempt and appeared as if he hadn’t been bathed in weeks. Her first thought was to go in the store to buy him clean underwear and something to wear, which she was able to accomplish before the ambulance arrived. Ultimately she was able to catch our usual train.
After we met up and she was telling me what happened, I started wondering if I would have done what she had done. And I honestly don’t know the answer. I’m always running and if I left the office so I could catch my train, would I have allowed my schedule to go off track? I don’t know.
I pray that the next time something like that happens, that I will pause in my rush and tend to the need.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in
Heavenly Father, may I never be too busy to see the needs of those around me.