I shared with you a couple weeks ago that I had launched my faith and financial planning firm. As you may guess, there was a whole lot of questions to God and requesting of confirmation that it was indeed time to do so.
One of the days, I had a call with the company that would help me through the process. It was my first call and I felt complete overwhelmed with the other side of the business that I would need to learn. That person suggested I call another person, where my clients assets would reside (custodied).
In a way that only God could, when I reached out to that person, she returned my call the same day. I shared a bit about my vision of the firm where I would incorporate faith together with finances. I realize I hadn’t even mentioned it to the first person, but it somehow came up in this conversation. She acknowledged, but didn’t say much. As we continued talking and me sharing with her, and her telling me the services the firm would offer, she then said, ‘it sounds like you’re at the point where you need to trust and obey’… WHAT? This lady knew something, about trusting and obeying.
So, of course, I called her on it. I dug a little deeper. By the time our call ended, we prayed together and she’d a few tears. God had given me a gift through her. Peace, and that He would provide the right people as I needed them.
Fast forward to this week, after my training to be on boarded was done and I was elbow deep in work and still needed guidance. Side note: because God calls you to it, won’t automatically make it easy. I reached out to her to just say hello. She offered to get on another training with me the next day. I had not even asked for that.
As we spoke, I was getting emotional. For every issue I was having, she had a potential solution. We’d had a few calls since the first one, and we’d claimed each other as friends. This call was work, but I couldn’t help but share with her that I saw it as her ministry. She was doing something she loved, while also making the person on the other end feel cared for. She brought a light and joy to her work that others felt.
My friend, I thank you for the peace that you have given me.
Friends, where is God calling you to work? Are you showing up with grace and kindness so that without even realizing it you are being a blessing to someone who may need it more than you know? I pray I am.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the kindness of those you have set on the path with us. You never promised that life and things would be easy, but you have promised never to leave us or forsake us. Help us to realize that you are in the midst of everything we face.