What Does Your Shirt Say?

by | Aug 29, 2021 | Faith Blog

Whenever I travel, I try to remember to wear a Faith based shirt. It’s really more of a reminder to myself.

On my last trip, I picked out my outfit days before I was scheduled to leave. My outfit was compromised of a very comfortable pants and a tank top I’d purchased months before but hadn’t gotten around to wearing it. It even still had the tags on. I’d finally be wearing it before the season ended.

On the morning I was getting ready to leave home and I thought of my outfit that was laying on the bed, a reminder came ‘but you’re not wearing your faith shirt’… I thought to myself, I literally have no idea where to find one now, and I knew my ride was scheduled to arrive within minutes. I actually prayed: ‘Lord, if I’m supposed to wear that shirt, would you help me to find it?’

My prayer was answered within moments, I didn’t even have to go searching. There laid a bright yellow shirt my friend had gifted to both me and my daughter. Yay!

I had a connecting flight, and it wasn’t until the second flight that I recognized why of all my Faith shirts, that one was the one I found. As soon as I walked onto the second plane, the flight attendant said ‘that’s my favorite verse, I even have a part of it tattooed on my foot’. I laughed and said, let me guess the ‘Be Still’ part? She said yes, she had gotten it in a season where she needed to be constantly reminded to ‘be still’.

Later in the flight as the flight attendants came to serve us, I had another opportunity to speak with her. She explained that she wasn’t planning on being at work as her best friend had just lost her husband a few days prior and she wanted to be there for her. She had lost her husband three years prior, and that’s one of the reasons she’d gotten the tattoo. We talked a bit more and I gifted her friend with one of my books to encourage her in this difficult season.

Now, I have to smile at the fact of how God cares about us – even prompting to remind me to change my shirt.

As I told my very good friend this story, she laughed and said just that same day, she was wearing a shirt I had created a few years ago for my book launch with the message ‘Walking by Faith, it’s a journey, not a destination’ and someone struck up a conversation with her as well.

What message is on your shirt?

Dear Heavenly Father, I’m constantly amazed that you care about the little details. That you care about extensions of people that we ourselves may never even meet, but you see fit for us to touch their lives. Father, I ask that I will always be attuned to your leading, and make changes as necessary.

Same shirt, different adventure…