Ways to be Prosperous and Successful

by | Nov 19, 2023 | Faith Blog

Today’s thought was inspired by the Bible App’s verse of the day: Joshua 1:8 ‘Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.’

As I read the verse, I was very surprised when my brain went on to recite the next one that comes after it. Yes, it’s a familiar one: Joshua 1:9, but I did not realize that my brain knew the sequencing of it. ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’ 

As I paused to use verse 9 as my prayer prompt for my journal writing time, I decided to go look it up in my Bible. It took a little bit as I still don’t know the order of the books. 

As I re read the verses together, something was highlighted for me. I believe this is what this scripture means by meditating on the words. It’s thinking about them and internalizing what they say so that in times of need, they will come back to mind.

When I was younger, rote memorization was encouraged. My brain isn’t great at rote memorization, so I never thought I’d ‘get it’. But as the years have passed and I’ve seen each verse a bit over time, and they now have meaning and context for me, they are hidden in the places of my mind, so that when they are needed, they will come back.

Another verse comes to mind where King David says in Psalm 119:11 ‘I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you’.  I think this is what he means by hiding it in his heart, having read it so many times and internalizing it, it’s now become a part of who He is. And, He can be reminded what the Lord says in times of need. Side note: more often than not, I only know part of the scripture and enough to use technology to find what I’m looking for, so please don’t think I know it all. I’m still a work in progress.

If we go back to Joshua 1:8, I believe a conditional promise is made. If we do our part, then we will be prosperous and successful. It may not be money riches and success, but it may look like walking a path we never dreamed possible or doing things that never crossed our minds in our wildest dreams.

Meditating on the Book of the Law also allows us to pull scripture in every situation that we may face: Fear, anxiety, shame, joy, needing wisdom… the list is endless.

I encourage you, as you are walking through different situations, find verses (Googling is quite ok) that you can make personal to your situation. This is a way we meditate on them and learn them for ourselves.

Dear Heavenly Father, we are so grateful that you still speak through your Word. Help us to listen closely and to draw near to you so that we can internalize and meditate on guidance that you have given us to help us along our path.