Three Long Years

by | May 29, 2022 | Faith Blog

It’s been three very long years since I encountered driving anxiety. 

The irony of this situation is about six months prior, I was given an unusual task at work. I was asked to leave the office early and go pick up a package that was closer to my home. I remember being in the car, at a time that I would normally be at work, driving down Peninsula Boulevard and feeling a sense of freedom that I had not felt in a long time. As I drove, I asked God, ‘Father, is this what you have in store for me?’

Little did I know that a few short months later, I would gain that work freedom, but a paralyzing fear that made me not even able to drive on that road comfortably. Oh, the irony.

As I’ve shared about my driving journey, I’ve had quite a few people share that they thought it was only them. One friend even shared that I motivated her to get her license and a car. Our conversation motivated me that it was time to let go of my remaining fears.

I decided to go out driving with a friend, whom I chose to pay for his time. I had been tempted to take driving lessons, as I’d wondered if someone could forget how to drive (and even googled it). I realized I didn’t need lessons, I just needed to be comfortable around the steering wheel and to rewire my brain to remember a sense of ease as I drove.

So… three, very long years later, I finally want to get in a car just to drive, even if I don’t have a destination in mind.

Are you going through a season of something holding you back from the things you want to do?

My encouragement today: Don’t give up. Keep taking baby steps until you are comfortable in doing the thing that has been causing you fear and anxiety. Just whatever you do, don’t give up. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to share, even when it’s uncomfortable for me. You’ve reminded me that there is nothing new under the sun and others are experiencing similar things, thinking it’s only them.