If you’re in the Northeast area, you are likely aware of our most recent snow storm. I believe we are making up for the years where we hardly got any snow. I’m more of a beach girl, so when we get snow, I’m not usually a fan.
As I woke up the following morning after a full 24 hours of snow, wondering how I was going to get it done, I decided to ask God for help. As I sat in my quiet time, unhurried, as school had been canceled for the second day in a row, this is what I wrote in my journal: ‘Father, as I’ve looked outside, there is a ton of snow and I’m asking for help, in the way that you see fit. Please send help or even supernatural strength for me to do it. I don’t know how you will provide, but I trust that you will – also, help me to know the right time.’
A short while later, I decided to go out, I wasn’t even able to get out of the front door as the snow had completely barricaded the door.
As I trudged through the snow to get to the front, I saw that my walkway had been snow blowed the previous day, so instead of having 15-20 inches, it only had a few inches from the more recent accumulation. I stood propped up on my shovel and teared up. The verse that came to mind in that moment was: ‘I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!’ Isaiah 65:24
I had been answered, even before I asked.
But, that was the walkway, I still had a lot more to do, including shoveling out my car, and making a way in the driveway to get out.
I got to work – I shoveled and moved snow in a way that surprised even me. And, I received help from an unlikely source. My daughter insisted she wanted to help. I provided instructions on how to pick up the snow blocks and throw them. Her progress was slow (and fun for her), but she made real progress as she did a little at a time – another very important lesson I’m learning in other areas of my life.
So, God answered my prayer before I even asked. I received help from two sources, and supernatural strength – so much so that a neighbor as he was passing, stopped just to tell me how strong I was. Although there was no offer for help, I knew he was simply pointing out yet another of my answered prayers. And.. even better as I only had minimal soreness the following day.
Is there something you are asking God for? He continues to show me that He cares about the very details of our lives. Keep asking – although I know that some answers come far quicker than others.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your promises of hearing and answering even before we call. Thank you for showing up in the way you do, and Father, there are times that we don’t even know what to ask, would you simply provide for what we need then? Thank you for hearing and answering.