Slow down

by | Jul 20, 2016 | Faith Blog

Every now and again, I find that my life takes a life of its own. I find myself running from the moment I’m out of bed, and sometimes I’m mentally running before I get out of bed, until the moment I put my head down. Usually by then I’m too exhausted to do any more mental running until the wee hours of the following morning.
Lately, I’ve been mentally telling myself that I need to slow down, which is almost impossible when I have a toddler who’s about to be 4, and as active as they come. I work full time and go to church weekly. That doesn’t leave much room for me to slow down. I’ve found myself taking very deep breaths because it reminds me that I can push through, if I just keep breathing.
But then I hear another pressing question: how can I take time to hear from God when I’m so busy? He doesn’t talk to us in the busyness of life. He talks to us in that still, small voice. Have you ever been in a loud restaurant and try to have a private conversation? That’s almost impossible, right? God desires a relationship with us. I’ve learned that conversations occur when both parties are speaking and listening to each other. Have you been fervently asking God for something? Have you stopped long enough to hear His response? It’s in the quiet moments of our life that we can hear God’s responses to our questions. There are multiple reminders in the bible that states ‘Be still’. That won’t happen if you are constantly running.
Heavenly Father, help me to find times in my day that I’m able to sit still and know that you are God, while I wait to hear whatever it is that you desire to share with me. Help me to get rid of some of the busyness that is only serving to keep me busy and that doesn’t truly have an impact on my life.