Serve Where You Are

by | Mar 31, 2024 | Faith Blog

When I just started feeling called to speak and write, I received an email from Proverbs 31 to attend the She Speaks Conference. By the time I started following the organization, it was too late to attend the first year, so I made a mental note that I would attend the following year.

The notice came early the next year and I instantly started praying that if it was God’s will, I’d be able to go and the finances would also be taken care of.  I saw God answer my prayers in such a way that even I couldn’t believe it.

I requested my time off and it was approved within a matter of hours. More often than not, I had to wait much longer, even reminding for my time to be approved. 

Then, when the finance time came, I was informed that I would be receiving one of the biggest firm bonuses I’d ever received, with some more good news..

Time and finances were fully covered.

As I attended the conference, I was in awe that there were so many women who were on this journey. Everything about the conference was amazing, including the emails prior reminding us that we were being prayed for in every capacity. 

One of the last keynotes I remember was by Whitney Capps. She gave a powerful message and a charge. She said there were so many of us there and as we were being equipped, we shouldn’t go looking for opportunities elsewhere, we should go home and serve our local churches. 

As someone who had been a part of my local church for nearly half my life at that time, that charge seemed reasonable. I came home, determined to use my gifts and talents to serve my local church. It also took a lot of pressure off, when I realized I didn’t need to go seeking opportunities.

It’s been 7 years since I first attended She Speaks.

As we wrap up the month of March and Women’s History Month, I am in awe of what God has done through serving my local church and the doors it’s opened.

The month saw me serving every weekend, some at my church and others as an invited speaker. I preached two sermons and one sermonette.  I did a financial workshop. I told the children’s story. I shared the stewardship emphasis. I am a part of church leadership and I’m able to serve not from a place of exhaustion, but from joy.  And, there were still other things I did behind the scenes as I know serving is not always up front.

I don’t know if Whitney knew this when she shared, but it stands out to me. If you want to do great things, start with serving at home. God can open the doors when the time is right and will bring the right people to you. 

Most of the opportunities I’ve received is because someone saw me serving at my home church. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for calling us to use the gifts and talents that you’ve given us.  Thank you for allowing me to serve my local church and to do so while taking care of the other roles you’ve called me to. Please remind me that all glory and honor belongs to you.

Happy Easter. I’m so grateful for what this weekend represents for us.