This was a prayer I prayed a few weeks ago. Very reluctantly. I don’t recall the context of where I read it, but these words were in my heart.
Over the years, since I gave God full permission to lead, I don’t always agree with the way He chooses to lead, but one thing I have discovered, His ways are ALWAYS best. This is why I can pray ‘send me’ but still be reluctant because I know the assignment may not always be something I want to do, or, it may push me way out of my comfort zone.
As it’s now the wee hours and I’m wide awake, and have been awake for a while, I decided it was time to get up and open my Bible, asking for what I need to know.
Unplanned, as it normally is, I open to a passage in Isaiah. At first glance, it doesn’t quite look relevant to why I could be up. But upon scanning the page with my bleary eyes, my eyes fall upon the message that I am to read and meditate on.
The seraph has just touched Isaiah’s lips with a live coal from the altar, and says ‘see, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for’… then the voice of the Lord came ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’
This is where I find myself in the passage ‘here am I, send me!’
I know I won’t always understand or like the assignment. Sometimes I may not even feel adequately prepared, but I pray I will always go with a willing and obedient heart as I know the assignments might be life altering: in a very good way.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you still find me useable. Thank you that just like in the passage of Isaiah, you have promised to take away our guilt and atone for our sins. I pray for an obedient and willing heart, so that I may freely say ‘here I am, send me’.