Season of Remembrance

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Faith Blog

Some years ago, eight and a half years ago to be specific, as I had just moved into my new home, I wrote down a prayer. However, at the end of the prayer, I specifically asked God to lead. I was tired of doing the same thing, and expecting a different outcome. I truly was ready to leave the outcome to God.

The last few weeks, I have asked God many many questions, and, as I had journaled throughout this time, I’d had a record with the date and every scripture or word that I had uttered, and was able to go back and relive the moments.

When I write in the note section of my phone, it’s relatively easy to use the search function and find a word or phrase and find whatever it is I was looking for. However, as I took my journaling to pen and paper and easily seven to eight different books, I often wondered how I would find what I was looking for if I ever had to go back to them.

The most amazing thing happened when I started looking.

I pulled out most of the journals and as a thought popped into my mind, I would open one of the journals, based on the year, and be able to find topics dealing with all the things I had been asking God. It was so incredible and humbling.

Sometimes, I sat with my mouth wide opened, and in tears, because I could not believe how I had been led to the particular day with just the words or scripture that I needed. 

I’ve been reminded of when the Israelites crossed over the Jordan River and they were told to take stones as a reminder of being able to cross over on dry land. Except in my case, this was not just an occurrence, it was a whole season of seeing God’s hand work so clearly in my life.

Friends, I know I’ve encouraged you before – but if you want to be blown away by how God can move in the different times of your lives, whether in happy or sad times, I encourage you to write it down. I once heard a saying ‘the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory’. My writings over the last few years have confirmed this truth.

And guess what? 

I can clearly see how God has answered my prayers in His way and His time.

Dear Heavenly Father, I’m so grateful that you care about the details. I’m still blown away that you have revealed yourself so clearly to me in this time. Thank you for leading in my life, the way you have.