
by | May 19, 2024 | Faith Blog

My pastor has been focused on a message of ‘Rest’ for the month of May.

It’s been refreshing to hear this kind of message preached from the pulpit or on a Wednesday night prayer meeting.

Each time I hear the message, it causes me to ponder and think of my own set of instructions ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10a). This came at a time when I was trying to navigate everything in my own right. I had become used to striving and pushing forward.

And yet, God called me to stop striving in my own strength.

He could see the plans and future He had for me, and knew that I would burn myself out both literally and figuratively if I kept trying to do things the way I had been doing for so many years. So, He gave me instructions to rest in Him and trust Him for the outcome.

I can’t tell you that I always get it right, but, I keep coming back to the reminder that I am not meant to do it all, in my own strength.

I’ll give you an easy example from this week. Months ago, I bought a light strip with excitement. The time came this week when it was time to put it up. I excitedly opened it, looked at the instructions and got totally overwhelmed at how difficult it looked. I even contemplated trying to find the receipt and returning it.

I put it down and walked away as I had no idea what the first step was to even begin.

A few hours later, I was less bleary eyed and in a better frame of mind. I happed to see the box from where I was sitting, and, there were the complete three step instructions. I followed it, and was ready to go in a matter of minutes.

Sometimes, as we are navigating situations and life, we simply need to rest and step back. Sometimes, we’ll be surprised how things will resolve themselves.

Dear Heavenly Father, would you help us to rest in you? To trust that you have everything under control and there’s nothing that misses your notice. Help us to bring all our cares to you and rest that you have them in the palm of your hands.