
by | Aug 30, 2016 | Faith Blog

This morning I found every reason to complain.  I woke up feeling frustrated. Actually, I was alternating between being frustrated and being joyful. I don’t even know if that makes sense to you, but it’s been making more and more sense to me with each passing day.  I received the early morning text from my friend of what she was thankful for, along with a “How are you?”. As I was busy, I didn’t read it – but I acknowledged that I got it, but responded to the – How are you, question.  That was where the litany of complaining started.

By the way, I had been praying for guidance as to what to share today – if anything.

As a part of my commute, I have to walk about 20 minutes. Typically on that walk, I try to clear my head. Although I was moving in slow motion this morning – I forced myself to go to the gym. As I spent the 30 minutes on the treadmill, still moving in slow motion, I had more time to think.  I started thinking of the positives that were happening in my life, and I can say I am truly pleased with some of the changes that are occurring with me. I started making mental plans for my upcoming birthday. I was reminded of the Bible app verse of the day, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you: he will never let the righteous be shaken”, Psalm 55:22 NIV. I read that first thing this morning, but it somehow got pushed out of my mind as I was in my state of complaining. Am I righteous?  I’m not sure – but I am clinging to the first part of the verse of casting my cares on Him.  He will make me righteous in His time. Gradually, I started feeling better when I changed my perspective and started having an attitude of gratitude – instead of a complaining one.

I felt the need to share this with you today because I know that not every day will be high ones – and I want you to remember that. Some days you’ll feel like you are barely holding on – but guess what? You are still holding on.  Don’t let the cares of this world get you too far down that you forget that all you need to do is to hold on to the unchanging and unfailing hands of Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for everything. Thank you for all the reminders that you send us that you are still working on our behalf, even when we can’t see it. Thank you for friends who encourage us and listen to us and provide wise council. Help us to continue to hold on to You, and trust You that your promises are true.