Quiet Surrender

by | Mar 27, 2022 | Faith Blog

As I finished up the Bible app devotional I was reading on ‘Quiet in the Chaos’, it highlighted Genesis 1 as a way to pay attention to nature.

As I read through the chapter, I felt myself visibly relax into what I was reading and the intricacies and details it provided as God designed and created the earth. Not one detail was missed. And I thought how the God of all creation, paused to make me, and you. He thought the world needed us in our own uniqueness and our own gifts.

The details are meticulous. 

And then my mind juxtaposed it with Job 38-41.

Job had been having a rough life at that point and seeking God everywhere, and seemingly unable to find Him. God, the creator of everything responds to Job. 

Every time I read this passage, it fills me with awe and wonder. Job 38:4 says ‘where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?’

God’s line of questioning to Job always leads me to a point of quiet surrender.

I can’t answer any of the questions that He asked Job, even with Google being widely available. 

Job’s response in verse 42:3b states ‘surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know’ then he concludes in verse 5: ‘my ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you’.

Are you going through situations that you cannot understand? Reflect on God’s character and nature. Step out into nature and be reminded of His glory. Psalm 19:1 states ‘the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.’

This morning, I will choose to quietly surrender my will to my Heavenly Father, who majors in the details. He knows exactly what I need and the timing to provide.

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I know this well. I am so grateful that you continue to highlight how good you are, even in moments when we struggle to see what’s in front of us. Help us to not just hear of you, but to see you in the circumstances of our lives.