Pre-Mashed Up Food

by | Jan 9, 2022 | Faith Blog

Today’s blog post is inspired by the devotional I read on Friday from that has convicted my heart.

The author shared how much of a foodie she is. She loved all types of food and does not discriminate. She mentioned if a new restaurant was opening that she would read all the reviews and then go for herself to see what the food was like.

She then alluded to her experience with reading her Bible. She was consuming way more reviews (secondary information) from various sources, than from her actual Bible.

I recently spent time with a sweet little baby. As I held him, his mom wanted him to try some real food. She suggested that if I smashed the food particles before I fed it to him, it might do the trick of allowing his tiny teeth and mouth to process the food and be able to taste it.

As I considered my own life, I’ve been consuming a lot of pre mashed up food lately. It’s been really good to learn how to digest some of the Bible stories, but has not been sufficient as my palate has grown.

One of the reasons my heart was so convicted, was just the day before, when I couldn’t fall back asleep, I decided to open my Bible. It opened to a story that was both shocking and teaching. It left me asking questions like: ‘what happened here?’ ‘Why was this story included in this gruesome way?’

Friday morning’s devotion, confirmed that I needed to read my Bible more. The secondary sources are good, but we will miss so much when we don’t go directly to the primary source, asking for wisdom.

Is reading your Bible more one of your goals for this year? Let’s do it together. Start where you are, and let’s do it with consistency. I can’t wait to hear the new stories we’ll discover.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for highlighting and reminding me how much I can learn from opening up your word. Forgive me for thinking that reading all the secondary sources are enough to learn what you want to teach me. While I know it may be a great starting point, that shouldn’t be the place I stay as I want to learn more of you and your love.