Prayers that started it all

by | Sep 28, 2020 | Faith Blog

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A few days ago, I laid thinking about the prayers that started me on the path I am on today. To be honest, while they were sincere prayers at the time, I don’t believe I quite understood what I was asking God to do. But I can look and see the direct correlation of how God started moving.
Today, I want to share two of my very personal prayers with you.
The first one, I was in an unusual situation, and instead of doing what my mind told me that I should do, I decided that this time, I wanted a very different outcome that was not based on me. In this particular situation, I very specifically asked the Lord to lead. Whew!!!! Be careful what you ask God for. He is leading. In the most unusual ways, and because I gave Him full permission to lead, my job is simply to follow – even when it does not make sense.
The second instance, I’m not quite sure if it was a prayer or more asking God for direction. I woke up around 2:00 am with a song on my heart. It was not one I knew well – so I googled it. ‘He wants it all’.. I listened to the song, bawling and in my living room realized that God was asking me to submit everything to Him. He was asking me to write and share publicly, which didn’t make sense because apart from business writing, I didn’t really write much AND I was a very private person. Very few people ever knew what was going on in my mind.
There’s a scripture that I have in my mind that’s says ‘even fools are thought wise if they keep silent and discerning if they hold their tongues’ Proverbs 17:28… I prefer silence to being proven ignorant.
But alas, God was asking me to speak. And it made no sense. It’s been over 4 years, and I still don’t fully understand it, but I’m humbled and grateful as I watch how my obedience has changed me and those around me.
Can you think of a prayer that has started you on your journey? Or has set you on a specific path? I’d love to hear it/them.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Thank you that even before we are asking, that you are answering. Help us to trust your answers, even when they make no sense to our minds and our thought processes. Thank you for relationship with you so that we know we can trust what you say.