My friend and I were sitting at the dance studio while our girls were in class. It’s that time of year where there’s a lot of excitement in the air. The girls are in full costume, hair up in a bun and very well made up. We sat in fascination with the costumes and make up, and we started discussing whether our daughters, mine age 3, and hers, age 4, would be wearing make-up. We both agreed that that’s too young of an age to start, but that’s just our opinion, having grown up in the Caribbean. The conversation evolved into make-up of causing pimples, and it so happens, that neither my friend nor I, had issues with pimples as teenagers, however it showed its head in our late twenties, maybe due to hormonal changes and life’s stresses.
The two things my ‘pimples’ have taught me, especially in my most recent time. I can keep trying to pop them (bad habit of mine), but nothing will happen until they are ready. In that time, I can keep scratching at the surface, but that only aggravates my skin. It’s not until it’s fully ready, that it’s able to clear whatever is under the skin, and able to start healing.
So it is with us, and relationships and sin. We can try all we want to force an issue, but if the time is not right, nothing will happen. It’s not until we are able to deal with whatever ‘sin’ that is lurking in our lives that we are truly able to heal. By the way, I’ve also noticed, that while we are able to fully heal, the skin takes a much longer time to be free of the mark, and so it is is with us as well.
Lord, help me to deal with and take time to heal of whatever I have gone through in my life. Help me to know that while a reminder may remain, it no longer has a hold over my life, and I can freely move on in your grace and love.