Our Father Loves Us Too Much…

by | Feb 9, 2019 | Faith Blog

Last week my youth class and I were discussing what happens by our Heavenly Father when we do things that we know goes against His will: we are chastened. In other words, our behavior is corrected.

The Bible states: “because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” Proverbs 3:12 NIV

“because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”” Hebrews 12:6 NIV

This week I found myself having this exact conversation with my daughter. She’d gotten in trouble in school and I had to make a decision as to what I would do. I could simply talk to her and tell her that what she had done was wrong (which I’ve done many times before), or I could show her that her behavior had consequences.

I knew if I did not do something more than talking, her behavior would continue, so I had to tell her what the consequences would be. No TV and no YouTube – until her behavior significantly improves.

While I continued to do lots of talking, I had to work to correct her behavior or I knew it would continue and potentially get much worse. I’ve learned that bad behavior that does not get corrected, only grows into worse behavior because she believes she is getting away with it, so it must be acceptable.

I had to explain to her that the reason for my drastic actions was because I loved her. I loved her way too much to allow this behavior to continue to grow and fester into potentially something more.

And then I remembered my very own thoughts two or more years ago. I had read these very same verses in different places, within hours of each other. I realized that some of the things I had been going through was because my Father was correcting and attempting to modify my behavior. He loved me too much to allow my bad behavior to continue.

I’ll share this one thing: it hasn’t been fun – but I have seen a drastic improvement in the quality of my life.

I know my daughter isn’t having fun – but I wouldn’t be doing what I’ve been called to do as a parent if I didn’t correct her. I love her too much to not set her on the right path.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you love me so much that you are willing to correct my actions. Thank you that I can really understand when my parent says ‘this will hurt me more than you’ that they really mean it. Please forgive me for the things that I have done, and thank you that you walk with me through the correction process.