‘Obey God and Leave The Consequences to Him’

by | Apr 23, 2023 | Faith Blog

Seven years ago, I asked for God to do something different in my life. I had been a baptized Christian for about sixteen years prior to that, but in that moment, I asked God to truly lead my life.

I can now look back and say God must have said ‘ahhhh, now we can do this’. 

That year, God gave me some fundamental resources. I was asking God about a specific issue in my life and I turned on the TV on a Sunday morning (a rare occurrence) and there was a message with a title that was unmistakably an answer to my question. It was then that I was formally introduced to the teachings of Dr. Charles Stanley.

I’ve read his devotions almost daily in the last seven years, and whenever I needed a reminder on crazy obedience, I would head to that website.

One of the most powerful lessons I’m yet to receive in my Christian walk is ‘Obey God and Leave the Consequences to Him’. Can I be honest and tell you that it has not been easy?

There are times that I’ve wanted to give up. There are times that I walk a path that makes absolutely no sense to me (or those around me), and the reminder that I keep going back to is ‘obey God and leave the consequences to Him’.

On the converse of it being hard, I am extremely grateful because I can look back and see how I have avoided a lot of situations that would have led down the wrong path by taking a step of obedience, even when it didn’t make sense.

The fact that I have continued to write on a weekly basis, only God can get the credit and it’s only through obedience.

I left my job a few months before the pandemic. That move made no sense to me or anyone around me, but God knew what I needed. My obedience has been rewarded in ways I cannot even explain.

Are you in a situation where you’re not sure what your next step should be? Has God told you to do something? 

I’d suggest the words of the late Dr Charles Stanley, ‘Obey God and leave the consequences to Him’… even when it doesn’t make sense.

Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes the instructions doesn’t seem to make sense to our frail minds. Would you please give us the courage to be obedient to you, no matter what the world may say? Help us to trust you that you honor our obedience.