New Year, New Goals?

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Financial Tips

As we have entered a new year, individuals will often start creating resolutions about things they may want to change in their lives.

A few years ago, instead of creating resolutions, I created a vision board with some of my friends. This also came after a detailed goals setting session with another friend.

The goal setting session included different parts of my life, and was specific to what was important to me.

Some examples are:

Family – spend more time with my daughter, being fully present.

Vacations – take x number of trips per year

Church – how I would serve at my local church

My relationship with God – spending intentional quiet time with God

These are just some of my personal examples. If you are a business owner, you might even have two sets of goals: one for your personal life, and one for your business.

As I am working with clients in their financial lives, I know we may have many goals, and may not know where to focus, or on the most important goals we want to accomplish and how to move forward.

I use a service that has provided me with a list of both financial and non financial goals, to help clients to focus on the things that are important to them. Some of them may be more immediate, while some may take some long term planning, but they need to be intentional with how they will get there.

I shared a YouTube video, along with the chart on the goals. Check it out here: New Year, New Goals

As you are working on your goals, and prioritizing them, please do not hesitate to reach out if I can help you.

Or here:

As I’ve now put my vision board where I can see it, I’ve accomplished most of the goals that were there, and still reminded of the ones that are out of my control, but I still desire. Or the ones I still desire to pursue.

I hope you too will create meaningful goals for the things you want to accomplish.