Today makes exactly five years that I moved into my home. A home I hadn’t even bothered looking at on the website because it was out of my price range – and one that had not grabbed my attention from the pictures.
Thank you to my friends who gave up their valentine morning to help me move on the coldest day of the year, and those who helped me to set up within a matter of days because of their gracious help and kindness.
The Fall prior to the move, I got this overwhelming sense that I should be purchasing something. Never thinking it would be a home. I started looking for small items. I had been in a mode of saving – so a little ‘treat’ would be nice. My colleagues around me were looking at homes and apartments, and out of curiosity, I started looking too. I even started going to open houses as a form of preparation – remember, I’m a planner by nature.
I had settled the idea, put my list on paper of what I wanted in a home and said I would wait until Spring. In my mind, I would have saved up more by then. The weekend after I made the decision to wait, I was incredibly restless. I woke up on Monday, reached out to my realtor and banker explaining that I was ready to move forward. My realtor took 3 weeks to take me out as he got sick right after. But.. God had a plan.
The very first day he did take me to look at homes, I found this one. It was the second one we looked at – and right away, I knew it was where I wanted to be. Remember I told you, I hadn’t even looked at it because it was out of my price range. Because my realtor got sick and delayed, by the time he did take me to look, the price had just come down – within a range that I could negotiate to. I also found out that this home had been on the market for a year as a deal had fallen through – it was just waiting for me.
Today, I look back and I’m so grateful. It’s almost as if God moved me so He could start fresh with me. I started writing within a few days of moving in. There’s so much more to this story.
I have great neighbors, friends, school district and so much more – and all because I was obedient to a call to move at a time when I couldn’t even afford to – but God promised that what I needed was faith.
When I later found my list of what I wanted in the home, I had gotten everything or better – and I had moved in, even before the date I had written down that I wanted to start looking.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you have shown yourself faithful, so many times. Help me to follow your commands, even when the timing doesn’t quite make sense to my feeble mind as I know that you know the plans for me; plans to prosper me and not to harm me; plans to give me hope and a future. And for that, I am grateful.