Look Again

by | Feb 1, 2025 | Faith Blog

As I got ready to go take my morning walk, I slipped my feet into my sneakers and headed to my usual spot.

As I had completed about a half of my first mile, one lace came undone. I thought it odd, because since I’d gotten my new sneakers, I’ve never had to retie my lace. I had even learned to double knot the previous one if I didn’t want to have to constantly stop.

I didn’t think much of it, and kept walking.

As I got a little past the mile marker, I noticed my lace was loose again. I once again stopped to tie it. It was then that I noticed that the lace felt different than the one I had become accustomed to over the last few months. I started wondering who would have switched the lace (there’s no one who would have done that).

It was only then that I looked closely and realized I was wearing one new, and one old – with the lace that always came undone. 

You see, the feel of the sneakers on my feet were identical. They both felt right. The difference in look was small if you weren’t paying close attention. They were both black top with white bottoms, and of course the different lace texture – one that holds with just one knot, and one that needs two knots. 

As I pondered my mistake, I was reminded ‘look again’.

I started wondering what it was that I needed to look again at as I knew this was a bigger lesson. 

Two things, so similar in many ways.. yet, different. 

There’s also another story tucked in 1 Kings 18:43-46 where Elijah tells his servant to go look again. The servant had to look again seven times before he saw the cloud that was to bring rain after three and a half years of drought.

Is there something God is asking you to look again at? 

Will you look expectantly for what He will show you, and then act in obedience?

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for these sweet lessons that you continue to show me. Would you help me to look again at whatever you need me to see, and then act in obedience to how you direct?