Letting go of what holds us back

by | Jun 4, 2017 | Faith Blog

Now that the weather is finally warming up, I like to take my daughter to the park. It feels like we’ve been cooped up all winter and our goal is to make the best of every moment of the nicer weather.

We recently found a new park (new to us) in our neighborhood. It’s also relatively new with the activities that it provides. There’s one activity that I’ve never seen at any of the other parks we’ve visited. It consists of 3 separate looking platforms that are held firmly by a bar at the top and then it’s anchored by chains on the bottom – which makes it moveable. In order for you to get across to the next platform, you have to figure out how to step far enough or bring the two platforms close enough to each other.

The first time we went, my daughter was fascinated by them, having witnessed another child playing on them. She tried multiple times, but gave up out of fear that she would fall (while it’s secure, it doesn’t feel that way as she’s trying to move across). I kept on reminding her that I was standing right next to her and I would help her to go from one to the other, and most importantly, I wouldn’t let her fall. It took her a full hour at the park to build up the courage to actually get across once. But even after her one time, she felt accomplished.

Fast forward to exactly a week later. I decided to surprise her with another trip to this park again. As usual, she was excited. Almost as soon as we got there, she headed straight for this particular activity. She knew that I would be standing there and supporting her way across, and she not only did it once, but a total of about 6 times within a 20 minute time frame.

You see, I knew I wanted to share this with you when it happened the first time. But the lesson was even more powerful when I waited and had the opportunity to witness it a second time.

Sometimes we are so fearful of letting go of what holds us back, in order to move forward. My daughter learned that she couldn’t hold on to the firm anchor of the other part of the jungle gym, if she wanted the experience of making it across each of the moving platforms. But she also figured out that I was going to be right there, and as her mom, my job was to protect her from falling.

Is there something in your life that has you firmly anchored to the past and the safety that it provides? It may feel safe, but I know that God wants us to keep moving forward. He has promised that He will catch us, but we do have to trust Him. What is God asking of you? You have to trust that He is able to protect you and not let you fall or fail.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love and protection. We thank you for all you do. Help us to trust you and to grow each day in our relationship with you, knowing that you will not allow our feet to fall if we keep trusting you.