Kindness begets kindness

by | Jan 19, 2019 | Faith Blog

I have used the quote to end my emails for nearly 15 years ‘It is difficult to give away kindness. It keeps coming back to you. Cort Flint’ and this message has not changed.

I have found that the more you extend kindness, the more it comes back to you.

My colleague and I enjoy bananas. They are provided at the beginning of the week in our work pantry. On one of those days, I saw a banana that was almost perfect (most times it’s hard to get one even close), and so, I grabbed two. One for him, and one for me. He was appreciative and made a big show of the banana and the fact I had gotten him one.

The next day, he went to the pantry. He knows I like flavored seltzer, so as he walked back, he grabbed two and proudly handed me one.

I smiled, because the topic of kindness had already been laid on my heart.

I’m also teaching my daughter about kindness. And I’m thrilled that she seems to understand. She comes home with little stickers that she’s been ‘caught’ being nice to others. Her class just had their 3rd party to celebrate her class receiving 20 compliments each time.

She likes the idea of being able to wear pajamas to school – and her teacher gave them permission for the day of the party. I was thrilled when she asked for stationery to write her teacher a thank you note. She said her teacher gave her a hug in return.

I can just imagine her teacher’s face when she saw the card with her six year old writing, and can only imagine how special it made her feel.

Kindness really does beget kindness.

Let us endeavor to share kindness with each other. It really is impossible to give away kindness, but the true recipient may very well be us in return.

Dear Heavenly Father, sometimes we may feel stuck in our situation and may be oblivious to those who need a kind word or deed. Help us to be mindful of those who are hurting. Help us to extend kindness. Help kindness to be shared with us as well.