This article was written by my CFAN colleague, Anil Chacko.Jun 23Written By Anil “Neil” Chacko CFP®, CKA®As Christians, one of our core beliefs is that the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God. In fact, God’s word tells us:“All scripture is...
This article was written by my CFAN colleague, Anil Chacko.Jun 23Written By Anil “Neil” Chacko CFP®, CKA®As Christians, one of our core beliefs is that the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God. In fact, God’s word tells us:“All scripture is...
This article was written by Donovan Brooks, CFP (r), CKA (r), highlighting the benefits of creating an estate plan and transferring your wealth while you are able to see the benefits of it. (Disclosure: This is not legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an...
One of the things I often enjoy talking to my clients are: how to reach their goals.Whenever someone chooses to work with me, it’s because they recognize that they need help in their financial lives. Sometimes when we start talking, they may think it’s one set of...
Last week, on my way to get my daughter’s hair done, out of nowhere, my car started swerving. The first miracle I observed was that I was within feet of a gas station. The second one, while someone was close behind me, I quickly put my four way flasher on and...
My daughter is home as she has a day of asynchronous learning. I hear her both doing her work, but choosing to partner up with other kids in her class to get it done.A few minutes into her trying to solve a particular problem, she yells: ‘mom, I need your help’....
Some years ago, eight and a half years ago to be specific, as I had just moved into my new home, I wrote down a prayer. However, at the end of the prayer, I specifically asked God to lead. I was tired of doing the same thing, and expecting a different outcome. I truly...
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