Kaysi’s Blog

God is a Provider

God’s provision of our daily bread has a way of showing up in unimaginable ways.I think of the Israelites who got manna daily – they couldn’t collect any more than for one day – except for the sabbath, otherwise it would be filled with worms.I believe God...

Paying Taxes With Credit Card?

Hi Everyone,I’m sharing a MoneyGeek article I was featured in a few months ago. Full disclosure, please understand the implications before making this decision of whether to use your credit card to pay your tax bill and click the link below to see how another expert...

Don’t Forget

A few days ago, the title for the week came ‘Don’t forget’ with no additional details.I wrote it down to ensure that I would not forget, while waiting for the rest of the message. My brain seems to be doing that more often lately.I remember the Lord whispering to me...

Financial Tips from Kaysi

Financial Blind Spots

One of the things I enjoy most about what I do is helping clients to see things from a different perspective in their financial lives.Often times, we see situations based on our knowledge and experiences, and unfortunately sometimes, that may be limited. We cannot...

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Do You Really Need Life Insurance?

Life Insurance is one of the topics that is particularly sensitive to me.Why, you might ask? And that would be a very fair question.Isn’t life insurance necessary?Let me  start by saying: There is no one-fit solution for everyone and that each individual’s...

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What Does the Bible Say About Investing?

This article was written by my CFAN colleague, Anil Chacko.Jun 23Written By Anil “Neil” Chacko CFP®, CKA®As Christians, one of our core beliefs is that the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God. In fact, God’s word tells us:“All scripture is...

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Kaysi’s Faith Journey

Season of Remembrance

Some years ago, eight and a half years ago to be specific, as I had just moved into my new home, I wrote down a prayer. However, at the end of the prayer, I specifically asked God to lead. I was tired of doing the same thing, and expecting a different outcome. I truly...

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Sometimes We Need To Pivot

Last year, after I attended a conference, the tickets for this year went on sale at the early bird rate. I purchased the ticket. Who doesn’t want a discount for a conference I’ll be attending?As the months progressed, I realized that my heart was no longer sure if I...

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When You Think You’ve Been Forgotten

Someone reached out to me earlier this year to do an interview for their organization that was geared towards young girls. As a mom to a daughter, and generally a lover of little kids, once I confirmed that it was legit, my answer was a resounding yes.As we neared the...

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Financial Tips from Kaysi

A monthly blog post for your financial life.

Kaysi's Faith Journey

A weekly dose of faith encouragement delivered to your inbox