Kaysi’s Blog

God is a Provider

God’s provision of our daily bread has a way of showing up in unimaginable ways.I think of the Israelites who got manna daily – they couldn’t collect any more than for one day – except for the sabbath, otherwise it would be filled with worms.I believe God...

Paying Taxes With Credit Card?

Hi Everyone,I’m sharing a MoneyGeek article I was featured in a few months ago. Full disclosure, please understand the implications before making this decision of whether to use your credit card to pay your tax bill and click the link below to see how another expert...

Don’t Forget

A few days ago, the title for the week came ‘Don’t forget’ with no additional details.I wrote it down to ensure that I would not forget, while waiting for the rest of the message. My brain seems to be doing that more often lately.I remember the Lord whispering to me...

Financial Tips from Kaysi

How to Save Time, Money and Mental Energy

Some time last year, I started the decluttering process in my home. To be completely transparent, I’m not quite sure what happened that made me say it was time.I started the slow process of one area at a time.  I went to friends’ homes and wondered how they...

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New Year, New Goals?

As we have entered a new year, individuals will often start creating resolutions about things they may want to change in their lives.A few years ago, instead of creating resolutions, I created a vision board with some of my friends. This also came after a detailed...

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Kaysi’s Faith Journey

There is Beauty in Stillness

As I took my morning walk in the park, I allowed my mind to wander. While my time at the park is structured, while I walk, my brain has no structure of what it needs to do. I use the time to process my thoughts, speak to God and listen for what He has to share.I was...

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Kind Instructions and Detours

I had two very cool interactions in my favorite park that I’d like to share with you.Some weeks ago, as I was walking, I saw a couple taking their walk. I noticed the woman the first time. She looked like she was struggling. As we were walking in opposite directions...

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Write Down the Vision

It’s the first time in a long time that I woke up and didn’t have a topic on my heart – or even writing on a Sunday morning as I’ve had much inspiration lately, and writing before Sunday.I sighed a deep sigh, knowing that God would come through,...

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Financial Tips from Kaysi

A monthly blog post for your financial life.

Kaysi's Faith Journey

A weekly dose of faith encouragement delivered to your inbox