Kaysi’s Blog

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

These were the words that came to me as I was getting ready for my day “Let not your heart be troubled” and to share with a specific friend.I sent a message, along with an explanation.Later in the week, as I realized I didn’t have a topic, I started asking God what my...

Money and Love

Growing up, I’ve often heard that money and communication are two of the biggest topics that can cause issues in a marriage.As I’ve gotten older, I can definitely now understand that is a very true conclusion.As we are around the time of Valentine’s Day – the holiday...


A few months ago, someone shared a testimony on the Wednesday night prayer meeting on forgiveness. I thought it was a great testimony and the following morning as I took my morning walk, I didn’t think there was anyone I needed to forgive, but decided to ask...

Financial Tips from Kaysi

Are You Walking in Your Purpose?

I first shared this article for Christian Financial Advisors Network.Mar 22Written By Kaysian “Kaysi” Gordon, CFP®, CKA®, CPA, MBAI love the topic that my CFAN Colleague, Anil “Neil” Chacko, discussed last month, What Does The Bible Say About...

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How to Save Time, Money and Mental Energy

Some time last year, I started the decluttering process in my home. To be completely transparent, I’m not quite sure what happened that made me say it was time.I started the slow process of one area at a time.  I went to friends’ homes and wondered how they...

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Kaysi’s Faith Journey

The Joy of Giving

As the year comes to a close, and I sat down to calculate and return my tithe and offering, I felt a deep sense of gratitude.When I started attending the church I currently attend nearly 25 years ago, I was convicted that I should be returning a tithe. I have a story...

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Delayed But Not Denied

I had the privilege of taking a quick trip the morning after my book launch. While I was at the airport, I started listening to a message titled ‘Delayed but not denied’. How I even got a copy of this message is a story on its own.I was in church and sat behind a...

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Asking God to Lead

I’ve been in a season of reflecting and being reminded of how this journey started.For me, it didn’t start at baptism 25 years ago. It started in February 2016, a few days after I had moved into my new home. As I sat in my new home, I wrote down a note in the notes...

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Financial Tips from Kaysi

A monthly blog post for your financial life.

Kaysi's Faith Journey

A weekly dose of faith encouragement delivered to your inbox