Kaysi’s Blog

God is a Provider

God’s provision of our daily bread has a way of showing up in unimaginable ways.I think of the Israelites who got manna daily – they couldn’t collect any more than for one day – except for the sabbath, otherwise it would be filled with worms.I believe God...

Paying Taxes With Credit Card?

Hi Everyone,I’m sharing a MoneyGeek article I was featured in a few months ago. Full disclosure, please understand the implications before making this decision of whether to use your credit card to pay your tax bill and click the link below to see how another expert...

Don’t Forget

A few days ago, the title for the week came ‘Don’t forget’ with no additional details.I wrote it down to ensure that I would not forget, while waiting for the rest of the message. My brain seems to be doing that more often lately.I remember the Lord whispering to me...

Financial Tips from Kaysi

A Biblical View of Insurance Products

This article was written by my CFAN colleague in July.Jul 23 Written By Ben Wacek, CFP®, CKA®While the Bible doesn’t give us many great examples of insurance products specifically, it does talk about how we are to respond to threats. King Jehoshaphat sets a...

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Do You Have Peace In Your Financial Life?

Sep 24Written By Kaysian “Kaysi” Gordon, CFP®, CKA®, CPA, MBABefore we even begin, I want to stop and rephrase the question: is it even possible to have peace in our financial lives?As I was listening to a sermon titled, “Our Peace: God’s Will” by the...

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Life Insurance vs Retirement

I was invited to participate in an expert response for moneygeek.com study.Here is the question and my response. Which can be found at https://www.moneygeek.com/insurance/life/types/401k-vs-life/#expert=kaysian-gordonRecently, some social media accounts have touted...

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Kaysi’s Faith Journey

Good and Perfect Gifts

I happened to wake up again before 2am. Note to self: do not fall asleep with remote in bed. But waking up at this time has allowed me to check on my friend who’s traveling, to make sure she’s ok.As I tried to fall back asleep, I started thinking of this past...

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In the Stillness of the Night

Some years ago, I was sharing with a friend how I was constantly waking up around the same time in the wee hours of the morning. He shared with me that he had developed a principle based on when God called Samuel. After being awake for a while, he would ask God to...

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The Joy of Giving

As the year comes to a close, and I sat down to calculate and return my tithe and offering, I felt a deep sense of gratitude.When I started attending the church I currently attend nearly 25 years ago, I was convicted that I should be returning a tithe. I have a story...

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Financial Tips from Kaysi

A monthly blog post for your financial life.

Kaysi's Faith Journey

A weekly dose of faith encouragement delivered to your inbox