It’s Gonna Be Ok!

by | Nov 15, 2020 | Faith Blog

Do you have an anthem or soundtrack for different times in your life? Over time, there have been many songs that have filled me up with just the right words and sentiment – sometimes, they have been words that I couldn’t have expressed on my own.

The most recent one that keeps playing in my head is ‘It’s gonna be ok’ by Tasha Layton. Her words say exactly what I am feeling, but there is an assurance that she provides, which is the chorus of the song, ‘it’s gonna be ok’.

I have no idea what you might be experiencing during this difficult time. This time period has come with its gifts if you’ve chosen to recognize them, but it’s come with its extremely difficult seasons as well. Too many of my friends have lost dear loved ones, and my heart breaks with theirs. There’s been more tragedy than we can count. So, I don’t say ‘it’s gonna be ok’ in a flippant way.

Yesterday as I shared with my church on the topic of ‘Called to Worship’, we went to the book of Psalms for examples. Psalm 100 is a full on praise session. But we went to Psalm 59 for what is usually happening. David is in the midst of running for his life from Saul and he’s telling God all about it and his struggles. I’m a firm believer that we should take all our cares to our Heavenly Father. The beauty about this passage is that he doesn’t end on the note of complaining. He shifts into an attitude of praise towards the end. I believe praising changes our attitudes and heart posture.

So, when I hear that ‘it’s gonna be ok’, I can be encouraged because I know that one day, it really will be ok. I just have to trust the process, and be like King David.. complain, but then refocus my attention and start praising.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your assurance that it will be ok. Even as we endure difficult seasons, we can hold fast to your unchanging hands and your promise that you will take care of all our needs according to your riches in glory. Help us to remember that you have us in the palm of your hands.