‘Is There Anything Too Hard For the Lord?’

by | Feb 2, 2024 | Faith Blog

On Wednesday of this week, that was the anchor scripture of one of my daily devotions. It’s found in Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:27.

Whenever I see this verse, it feels like a heavy hitter from God as those were words that He whispered clearly to my heart some years ago.

I sat with it and was grateful. Then moved on with my normal routine.

As I got ready to start working, I got a notification on my computer that it needed to restart. I hit ok. When my computer restarted, it said one of my files needed to be saved.

Only one file – which at the moment is the most important one as it’s the book I’m currently working on.  I have been diligently focused over the last few weeks and the day before, was getting closer to the finish line.

Except, for whatever reason, the file wouldn’t allow me to save it. I checked the previous version I had and it said it was the day before, so I felt confident that I could close this version without saving it as there was my most current one.

After saying ‘no’ to saving it, I looked at the other file and noticed the last saved date was a few weeks ago. Which also meant, that was the same draft from a year ago. My heart sank and I started fretting and crying.

‘Is there anything too hard for the Lord?’ Came back to mind.

As I sat there, holding on to every hope I could, and searching my files, I put a call into my tech guy that I hired a few months ago. He asked to call me back.

The 20 – 25 minutes I had to wait for his return call felt like an eternity. I searched high and low, and kept reminding myself that there was nothing too hard for the Lord.

When he called me back, I explained the situation, he remote logged into my computer and searched some places I didn’t know to search. Then, he said ‘this is a long shot, but let’s look in the recycle bin’.

And there was a draft of the most recent file of my book.

I cried as I thanked him. I cried and tried to clean up my face for my call that was starting at that moment.

Honestly, even now as I type, I’m crying again.

I am so grateful that the Lord reminds me before I need the reminder: there is nothing too hard for Him.

Friends, what is out of your control that you are dealing with? I can’t promise you that you will get the outcome you desire, but, God will work it out in just the way it needs to be worked out. Join me in trusting Him. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being an on time God. Thank you that even when we don’t get the desired outcome that we are reminded that there is still nothing too hard for you. Thank you that when we do get the desired outcome, that we will be careful to give you all the glory and praise.