‘I see no train traffic’ were the words my daughter uttered as she was waiting not so patiently for the train to move.
She has always loved riding the train and I had the pleasure of taking her into the city with me on my early morning commute. The Train had stopped and dropped off and picked up its new passengers, closed the doors, but was still waiting in the station before it started moving.
The announcer came on the intercom, ‘we are just waiting for train traffic to clear to be able to proceed’. My daughter looked up from the comfort of my lap and commented, ‘I see no Train traffic’ and just as quickly put her head down back in her comfortable spot.
I chuckled, and commented to her that ‘we were 4 cars in with a lot of things blocking our view and the driver had a clear view of what was ahead’.
Somehow this turned into a sobering moment for me.
How often do I tell God that it’s time to move on my request? I somehow forget that He’s the one driving, and He has a clear view of what is in front. He can see the beginning from the end, and everywhere in between. But for my limited view, I can only see what is directly in front of me, and sometimes even what I’m seeing isn’t even the whole picture.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for perspective. We thank you that you are able to see what lies ahead of us. Help us to trust that you know and see all, especially when our limited view is telling us that we should be moving but you have us at a stopping point.