On this last Sunday of 2021, I want to say I hope you’ve had a fantastic holiday season. I hope it was time spent in a way that was meaningful for you and your loved ones.
It always amazes me when the time seems to fly so quickly and it brings to mind a saying I heard in my late teenage years:
‘If you do nothing with the time, it passes. If you do something with the time, it passes. Choose wisely how you will let that time pass’
As we contemplate our hopes and dreams for 2022, still in the midst of a pandemic, I pray that we will put our time, dreams and hopes in the hands of the Master Time Keeper.
I was challenged in February of this year to say this prayer for a week – and somehow, one week turned into the whole year.
Psalm 90:12 ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom’
I’ve since made it personal to me and say ‘Father, teach me to number my days so I may gain a heart of wisdom and understanding’.
Thank you for spending the last year, or, the last five years with me. I appreciate each of you, and look forward to continuing.
Remember, whatever journey you wish to embark on begins with one intentional step, done consistently, over time – but you need to make the first step.
Wishing you much joy and happiness.
From my heart to yours.