Guarding your heart – 2

by | Sep 23, 2016 | Faith Blog


My friend and I are constantly talking about guarding our hearts these days. Because I’ve had multiple conversations with different people on the topic, we all seem to interpret what it means differently based on our experiences. The interpretation for me that keeps coming up is proverbs 4:23. ‘Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.’

Before I went away on vacation, I asked my friend to check on my home and to feed my fish. I didn’t ask for my outside plants to be taken care of, as I figured if it rained, they would have enough water. Before I left, I was able to pick almost ripe tomatoes each day. I purposely didn’t wait until they were ripe, because I didn’t want insects to get to them – so I would pick them when they were just turning yellow or red.

Since I’ve returned from vacation almost a month now, I’ve not been able to pick one near ripe or even yellow tomato. I also came back to my chocolate peppermint tree completely eaten. You see, I neglected my plants for a little while, and the squirrels came in. I know they are the guilty ones because my neighbor told me that that’s what they do. They’ve also left evidence: half eaten tomatoes for me. I also haven’t been as good with taking care of my tomatoes since I’ve returned, and the vines are spreading wildly, but still no ripe tomatoes.

I think this is what happens when we don’t guard our hearts carefully. When we neglect it – for whatever reason – and we allow people free reign, they come in and can cause major damage. It is up to us to guard and protect our hearts with what we have.

As my devotion from this morning also reminded me, ‘out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks’ Matthew 12:34 NIV. I think this is directly related, because what we allow into our hearts, will ultimately flow out of our mouths. By guarding our hearts, we will also guard what comes out of our mouths.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your wisdom. Please show us how to protect our hearts and minds from the distractions around us. Remind us that it’s only when we protect what goes into our minds, that we are able to protect our hearts, because this is the source of life.