Guard your heart

by | Aug 27, 2016 | Faith Blog


When I was getting baptized over 15 years ago, I was asked what my favorite text was so it could be shared with the congregation. I boldly stated: Proverbs 4:23, which says ‘above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life’ NIV. I don’t know if I remember why I chose that verse on that day, but I clearly remember that that’s the one I’d chosen.

Have I always done a good job of guarding my heart over the last 15 years? If I were being honest, I’d say I’ve done a terrible job. Even though I knew what the instruction and the right thing was, I didn’t always follow through.

Recently, it came up in conversation. (I think God is constantly listening to my conversations). My friend and I talked about it for a bit, and the importance of it. Later in the day, as I was leaving for vacation, and we were doing our safely drills on the ship, a lady came and stood in front of me. Tattooed on her left shoulder, was the scripture, Proverbs 4:23, along with a part of what it says. I stood there in awe and disbelief. This ship can hold over 4,000 passengers. The one lady, with a now visible tattoo because of the dress she was wearing was standing in front of me, reminding me of what God has told me to do, even from 15 years ago. And just in case I managed to forget that, as I read my devotion today – centered on Jeremiah, having nothing to do with Proverbs, the final line reads ‘Guard your heart.’

Friends, what are some of the things that you need to guard your heart against? I know what my weaknesses and trouble areas are, and if nothing else, they’ve only grown over the years. Today, let us work together to guard our hearts from all the things that threaten to come in: lies, deceit, self-doubt and the list goes on.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being the protector of our hearts. Help us to guard ourselves against the sins that so easily beset us. Help us to look to you for all our needs.