God’s presence

by | Jul 9, 2017 | Faith Blog

I woke up early with the intention of getting ready and leaving home early. As I was in the shower washing my face, I heard my daughter’s tiny footsteps, then silence. I somehow forgot that I’d even heard her. A few minutes later, I looked up, and there she was, sitting quietly with me in the bathroom. When I gently asked her how come she didn’t say anything (this was very unusual), she said she just wanted to be with me. Normally when I’m getting ready, she bursts in either needing to use the bathroom or requesting to watch tv. This morning was different, she simply sat quietly, wanting to be in my presence.

I think that’s what God wants from us: to simply come and sit in His presence. For us to slow down long enough so that we can hear Him. While He wants us to come to Him with our requests (the Bible tells us this), we must enter into His presence to hear and commune with Him.

I was reminded a few times in the last few days that we are not to forsake the gathering of fellow believers. In Psalm 95:1-3, it reminds us ‘Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.’ We can praise God alone in our homes (and we definitely should), but the worship experience seems much sweeter when we join our voices and praises with other believers.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for the opportunity to be able to sit in your presence and in your courts. Help us not to forget what it means to get together with other believers and praise and worship together. Please help us to set aside time during the week to sit at your feet in worship, and to be able to listen to and to hear your still small voice.