God is a Provider

by | Jan 19, 2025 | Faith Blog

God’s provision of our daily bread has a way of showing up in unimaginable ways.

I think of the Israelites who got manna daily – they couldn’t collect any more than for one day – except for the sabbath, otherwise it would be filled with worms.

I believe God wanted to show them what daily trust looked like. Even the wisdom to collect twice the amount for the sabbath was about trusting – because they might have been thinking, if I collect more than I need on any other day, it will have worms. But when they did it for the sabbath – it was God’s provision and showing them He could protect what He provided.

I had to sit with this thought for a while when I first wrote it ‘He could protect what He provided’.

I recently gave a testimony for our offering segment at church. It was a story I’d wanted to share but somehow the time hadn’t been right yet. And, somehow when I needed to fill  in for someone, I forgot all about that testimony and had planned for a different message – except the praise team sang a song and God’s goodness and provision came back in full force as I remembered. 

I called out to God a promise I had known He made. It was as clear as if He was sitting next to me in the car and yet, the situation I sat in didn’t feel like the promise coming to pass.

Building a business is no easy feat, and yet, I was still thriving and growing, but not as quickly as I would have desired. 

God, in His infinite wisdom, gave me just enough to remind me that His promises are true. Deposits were made into my account. I got a refund for a co payment I had made months prior. I got a check that in the past, hadn’t come through until the following year and with much following up. I offered a discount to a loved one for books, and she laughed at me and rounded it up instead of accepting the discount. 

We could be here all day with my stories of God’s daily provision. 

Your provision may very well look different than mine – but, please don’t miss His hand because my examples are different.

Pause for a moment and consider how you’ve seen God give you your daily bread.

Did it come through a friend reaching out to check on you when you were feeling low?

Was it through a warm embrace, or a kind smile or a kind word – and the other person might not even have known how you were impacted?

Is it through good friends that have turned out to be better than pocket money? 

God knows exactly how to provide for our daily bread. 

Would you ask Him to reveal Himself to you for how He’s providing for you – and truly listen to what He says?

Dear Heavenly Father, I’m so grateful you are a God who provides for our needs and our desires. I cling to your promise that no good thing will you withhold from us. Thank you for providing our daily bread, even if sometimes we’d like to see the bread for weeks and months ahead, but, your wisdom allows us to see that we can trust you each day, with your new mercies and your new provisions.