A few days ago I thanked God because someone was mean to me.
Before you start wondering if I’ve lost it, let me explain.
I’m an early riser, and I love to go to the beach. I went to the beach on my early morning excursion, expecting to pay my usual $10 for the parking fee. When I got there, the attendant asked for ID. Parking for residents of the town is $10, and non-residents is $25. I’ve been coming to this beach for the last 3 summers since I became a resident. I produced my ID that had my old address on the front, and my new address on the back – which is the way it is done, as long as you’ve updated it with the state.
I handed him a $20 bill, waiting for my change. The attendant, upon seeing my old address, told me that was my address. I explained to him that I had moved years ago, and that was no longer my address and my new address was on the back. I also explained to him that I’d been coming to that same beach for the last 3 years, using that ID without an issue. He proceeded to lecture me on how I’d been getting away with that. His offer was that he was not going to charge me the full $25, but was going to accept my $20. That was not a deal for me. I kindly asked back for my bill and told him I would leave.
I was annoyed. All I was looking to do was to enjoy some quiet moments at the beach.
I made a U-turn out of the lot, and drove out. As I was driving, I decided to find another entrance where I wouldn’t pay for parking, but likely pay for the entrance onto the beach. I was ok with that.
As I drove down to another entrance, I easily found parking. The employees were already at the gate as it was about 8:57, and they started collecting at 9:00. I walked right by them, sat on the beach for a few hours, and enjoyed my much needed quiet time. After a few hours, I walked right by those same employees without having to exchange any money.
Do you see why I was thankful that the attendant was mean to me?
I laugh about this situation, but while I had initially been annoyed, I saw what a blessing that turned out to be. I saved a few dollars that morning.
Sometimes we are facing annoying situations, and we can’t see how it is working out. Paul reminds us to give thanks in all things. Trust me, I know how difficult those instructions are. But when we start giving thanks and praising, it changes our perspective and takes the focus from us and puts it onto God.
Dear Heavenly Father, I’ve used a simple example of how sometimes we have to change our attitudes into praise and thanksgiving to you. But Lord, I don’t take it lightly when we are truly going through difficult situations, Your word says to give thanks in all things. Help us to change our attitudes and our demeanor so that we may be able to say that though we are going through hard times, that we will still be able to say that you are good, and to give thanks.