Don’t give up

by | Aug 13, 2016 | Faith Blog


I recently shared with you that going to the beach is one of my favorite past times in New York in the summer. Because I realize how quickly it seems the warm weather turns into the cold, I take every opportunity I can to enjoy a little mini vacation in my backyard without having to travel anywhere. Yesterday was no different. I had a weekday free, which is unusual. I decided it was a great day to head to the beach, after all, New York would be having the third heat wave of the summer.
As we are early risers, we got to the beach early. Usually when we get there, there are only a handful of other people. I’m very cautious about getting in the water with not many people around, but I’m totally fine walking right on the shore where the water is lapping the sand. At that time, I noted how the water was unusually brown, even by New York’s standards, but it was still ok to hang out at the shore. After a few hours of walking and running around, I told my daughter she has another 15 minutes before we were to leave. She would have been ok with that, except shortly after a couple with 3 kids came right next to us, and she instantly had 3 ‘friends’ to play with in the sand as they made castles, mud pies, and everything that sand and water can make. I sat there watching her play – far enough to give her a bit of freedom, but close enough to get her in case there was a need. This went on for almost an hour. Then it was really time to go. But before then, I decided to go back to the water to cool off. Something had happened.
Where the water had been a darker hue brown when we’d gotten there and for much of the morning, it was now the hue that I’ve normally seen it. Just perfect, by New York’s standards. As I was wading in, I thought of one of the lessons I had learned when I was just separated and needed to speak with a counsellor (yes, it’s ok and likely one of the best things you can do for yourself when you are facing new challenges and don’t know how to handle – seek a professional counsellor). I’ll never forget what she said. ‘No matter how good today is, or how bad it is, it will change.’ What a difference that thought process has been to me. Take everything for what it is – good and bad. If you are going through a rough patch – better days are ahead, just don’t give up.
That thought gave way to another thought. I remember seeing a split screen meme. The top shows a man mining for diamonds, and how close he is, within inches if he keeps going. The second one (and most telling), is where you see him giving up and walking away. You just want to scream, ‘don’t stop digging, don’t give up – you are so close to your goal.’
Friends, what has you wanting to give up today? Only you know this answer, but what I can tell you without reservation is: don’t give up, you are so close to getting your answer. Just keep going a little longer, no matter how long you think it’s been.
Lord, I thank you. I thank you for the will of not giving up even when everything says that I should be giving up. Your words are true and You keep your promises. Help me to hold on to that and to accept that Your promises are true and your words will not return void.