Good morning.
Since yesterday I’ve felt that I needed to share this post. The edited and ‘pretty’ version will be Day 17 of ‘Walking in Obedience: Learning to trust God Each Step of the Way’ – my second Devotional.
Childlike faith
One evening after a frustrating day filled with emotions, my daughter and I were in the car. A song came on the radio. We listen to a Christian station named K-Love radio. The particularly song seemed to be addressing each question I’d been faced with recently. As I listened, I just kept mumbling, ‘hmmm, hmmmm, hmmmm’ to the questions that were being asked.
My daughter who is wise beyond her years, asks the exact question that was on my mind. I wasn’t ready to be called out by a 7 year old in such a manner, so instead, I decided to ask my own set of questions.
Me: ‘Do you still believe God for this thing?’
Her: ‘yes’
Me: ‘But you have been asking for this thing for about 4 years and you still don’t have an answer. You believe that God will still do it?’
Her: ‘yes’
Me (becoming humbled): ‘why do you believe it? You believe God has promised it?’
Her: ‘yes, I believe it because I believe He will do it’
And just like that, I was reminded why the Bible says we must have child like faith. My daughter fully believes that when she asks God for something, and even though she hasn’t seen the results yet, that God will do just what she’s asking because she believes.
I believe He will answer too – according to His perfect will.
Dear Heavenly Father, I’m just so grateful for these lessons through my daughter. Help me to exercise such child like faith, believing you for the things that we are asking you to provide, that you will indeed provide them according to your riches in glory.