Money and Love
Growing up, I’ve often heard that money and communication are two of the biggest topics that can cause issues in a marriage. As I’ve gotten older, I can definitely now understand that is a very true conclusion. As we are around the time of Valentine’s Day – the holiday of Love, let’s discuss how money […]
Paying Taxes With Credit Card?
Hi Everyone, I’m sharing a MoneyGeek article I was featured in a few months ago. Full disclosure, please understand the implications before making this decision of whether to use your credit card to pay your tax bill and click the link below to see how another expert used it to his benefit. Kaysian Gordon Founder […]
The Joy of Giving
As the year comes to a close, and I sat down to calculate and return my tithe and offering, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. When I started attending the church I currently attend nearly 25 years ago, I was convicted that I should be returning a tithe. I have a story that I […]
When Can I Retire
This is a question that I get from prospects who are late 50s and early 60s as they start contemplating what the next chapter will look like. Of course, there is not usually a very simple answer to this question as there are many factors that will play into the timing of when one can […]
A Biblical View of Insurance Products
This article was written by my CFAN colleague in July. Jul 23 Written By Ben Wacek, CFP®, CKA® While the Bible doesn’t give us many great examples of insurance products specifically, it does talk about how we are to respond to threats. King Jehoshaphat sets a good example in 2 Chronicles 20 (NIV): Some people came […]
Do You Have Peace In Your Financial Life?
Sep 24 Written By Kaysian “Kaysi” Gordon, CFP®, CKA®, CPA, MBA Before we even begin, I want to stop and rephrase the question: is it even possible to have peace in our financial lives? As I was listening to a sermon titled, “Our Peace: God’s Will” by the late Dr. Charles Stanley, the question of whether […]
Life Insurance vs Retirement
I was invited to participate in an expert response for study. Here is the question and my response. Which can be found at Recently, some social media accounts have touted the value of insurance as a way to save for and fund retirement. Is...
Updating Your Beneficiaries
Often times, our lives and relationships change, but we may not always think of all the things that need to change with those relationships. My client and friend, shared an article with me. The couple had broken up since 1989. You read that correctly, over 35 years ago. They had both moved on with other […]
Should You Go at It Alone?
This article was written a few years ago by my CFAN colleague, Christopher Wells, and it still holds true today. Oct 12 Written By Christopher Wells, CFP®, CKA®, MS Money is a powerful, yet dangerous tool. If stewarded well, it can be used to fund great, eternal purposes, but it can just as easily lead to […]
Are You Walking in Your Purpose?
I first shared this article for Christian Financial Advisors Network. Mar 22 Written By Kaysian “Kaysi” Gordon, CFP®, CKA®, CPA, MBA I love the topic that my CFAN Colleague, Anil “Neil” Chacko, discussed last month, What Does The Bible Say About Work And Retirement? He used the scripture Genesis 3:17, “The Lord God...