‘Obey God and Leave The Consequences to Him’
Seven years ago, I asked for God to do something different in my life. I had been a baptized Christian for about sixteen years prior to that, but in that moment, I asked God to truly lead my life. I can now look back and say God must have said ‘ahhhh, now we can do […]
Bumpy Roads Can Lead to Beautiful Destinations
For Spring Break, we visited the beautiful island of Jamaica. As we were making plans to go, there were some things that were high on my excursion lists. One of the places my mom wanted to go was a Beach that we had both gone to in the past, and were waiting with bated breath […]
Is Something Wrong With Me?
Have you ever wondered if something is wrong with you? Hear me out… This season has been filled with so many things. Good, not so good and in between. In the midst of what feels like a ‘not so good’ period, one more very weighty thing is added. Already thinking of all the other things […]
Do The ‘Right’ Thing
Has something ever happened to you and then you realized that had to be a God prompt? On Friday, I decided to work from home because I knew once I was done working, I could get started on some house chores. One of my goals was to organize a particular room. Once I was done […]
How Will You Use Your Gift?
My mom and I were asked to do the welcome/greeting for our church. I decided to share a bit of our history of being in our local church body for over the last 20 and what it’s meant to us to have such a church family. I took three minutes and wrote down my thoughts […]
A Miracle
My daughter seems to be very musically inclined. This is not one of the things she’s received from me. Throughout the years, she’s played the piano, sings, has/had an interest in violin, guitar, and ukulele. She has been encouraged in each of these areas whenever her taste has changed. Most recently, she opted for clarinet […]
Who Are You Connecting To?
One day this week, out of the blue, my laptop stopped charging. As I sat down and got ready to begin working, I looked at my screen and something wasn’t quite right. When I took a closer look, I realized that the little battery icon didn’t show that it was charging, instead, it seemed to […]
Do You Share Your ‘Lowlights’?
Last week I mentioned that I had just returned from a cruise to the Bahamas (as in, I wrote the blog post while waiting to get off the ship), it was that recent. I even mentioned how we are quick to show our highlights, and rarely ever mention our ‘lowlights’. Read here if you missed […]
What Will You See?
I spent the last week on the high seas, sailing to the Bahamas. We had great weather, especially for the New York area, in February, until our last sea day on the way back. We woke up to overcast weather, rain, and fog thick enough that I couldn’t decipher where the sea ended, and the […]
What are you Worrying About?
This week, within a 24 hour window, I had two things resolve themselves in the most unexpected ways. If you didn’t know, I’m someone who likes to plan. Planning works really well for me. Until I bump up against something that I just can’t plan my way out of and I just have to breathe […]