God is a Provider
God’s provision of our daily bread has a way of showing up in unimaginable ways. I think of the Israelites who got manna daily – they couldn’t collect any more than for one day – except for the sabbath, otherwise it would be filled with worms. I believe God wanted to show them what daily […]
Don’t Forget
A few days ago, the title for the week came ‘Don’t forget’ with no additional details. I wrote it down to ensure that I would not forget, while waiting for the rest of the message. My brain seems to be doing that more often lately. I remember the Lord whispering to me some time ago […]
Obedience by Resting
This week, my good friend and I have been talking about resting and sensing that God was calling us to truly rest. As women who are constantly doing something, resting can be a challenge, but we recognize that if we are in a season of rest, that God likely has something in store that He […]
Good and Perfect Gifts
I happened to wake up again before 2am. Note to self: do not fall asleep with remote in bed. But waking up at this time has allowed me to check on my friend who’s traveling, to make sure she’s ok. As I tried to fall back asleep, I started thinking of this past week – Christmas […]
In the Stillness of the Night
Some years ago, I was sharing with a friend how I was constantly waking up around the same time in the wee hours of the morning. He shared with me that he had developed a principle based on when God called Samuel. After being awake for a while, he would ask God to speak as […]
The Joy of Giving
As the year comes to a close, and I sat down to calculate and return my tithe and offering, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. When I started attending the church I currently attend nearly 25 years ago, I was convicted that I should be returning a tithe. I have a story that I […]
Delayed But Not Denied
I had the privilege of taking a quick trip the morning after my book launch. While I was at the airport, I started listening to a message titled ‘Delayed but not denied’. How I even got a copy of this message is a story on its own. I was in church and sat behind a […]
Asking God to Lead
I’ve been in a season of reflecting and being reminded of how this journey started. For me, it didn’t start at baptism 25 years ago. It started in February 2016, a few days after I had moved into my new home. As I sat in my new home, I wrote down a note in the […]
The In-Between
I started a new devotion through the Bible app this week. It’s titled “Help for Your Hard Days”. The author states “we’re funny as humans. We tend to think in terms of all or nothing. So we insist that life is great when we’re breaking apart inside. Because to do otherwise would be to discount...
There is Beauty in Stillness
As I took my morning walk in the park, I allowed my mind to wander. While my time at the park is structured, while I walk, my brain has no structure of what it needs to do. I use the time to process my thoughts, speak to God and listen for what He has to […]