Be still and know that I am God

by | Jul 11, 2016 | Faith Blog

Even now the thought comes to me, ‘be still and know that I am God’. Sometimes we need to sit quietly, with no other distractions around us to hear that still, calm voice, calling us to do what he requires of us. Lately, slowly coming to the realization that I’m being called to something greater. I don’t think majorly greater, but greater nonetheless. Stepping out of my comfort zone and doing what God has asked me to do, except I’m still trying to figure out what that really is. Yesterday, I needed the reminder that God is working it out, and I need to trust that He is. While this is one of my ‘private’ thoughts, I felt the need to share on Facebook, so I quickly did it while snacking with Amelia, not bothering to scroll through the Facebook timeline. When I got home, and had time to go through the timeline, I saw Cindy’s post, asking that she be still while He was working. Wait, that’s my exact prayer too. I reached out to her via private message, someone I probably haven’t spoken with in 19 years, because we graduated from high school together and were not close friends. I directed her to my post of an hour before, before I had seen hers. Somehow I feel that while a few people needed that reminder (including me), that was her answer to whatever she’s waiting on. Today’s Proverbs 31 devotion was entitled ‘the quiet impact of one woman’. Again I had to laugh at God’s sense of humor. So while I’m figuring out what my next role is in relationship to God, He’s giving me clearer directives. I know He’s calling me to a greater impact, with one person or many. All the arrows are pointing in that direction.

Lord, lead me that I may become selfless. I know I have many other roles, being a mother, one of the most important of them all, but Lord, I ask you to lead me to women/men, who need to hear a reassuring or kind word. Let my lips be a source of inspiration to others, and never let me forget what I am called to do, whether for one person, or many. Amen