I recently stumbled across an article in the NYTimes about a runner who was not the traditional runner. He was running a marathon and going very slowly. Someone on the sidelines yelled out a derogatory comment about how slow he was (power of words).
Instead of being discouraged by what was said, he used it to become a motivator. He started a running club called ‘Slow AF’ for those who enjoyed running but ran slow. As of the publishing of the article, it had over 10,000 followers and I’m sure gained way more since the article.
He used what was meant to be an insult and created a building block for something much greater – thus, inspiring someone like me.
I had all but given up on running, but when I read that article, I remembered my long-ago desire to complete a 5k or 3.1 miles. I know I’m slow and even 20 years ago, I was slow. But this article reminded me that the race was not for the swift, but for those who endured.
So, in that moment, I decided I would dust off my goal. I didn’t need to find a run club to do it, I just simply had to do it.
The very next morning, I was out. I incorporated more jogging into my walking than I had in years, except I didn’t try to sprint. I simply moved at a consistent pace, for longer than I had been able to do before. When I got to my car, I checked my watch and realized I was at 2.5miles, just .6 miles remaining to hit my goal. I closed back the car door and started off towards the trail.
The very first morning that I had set that goal, I exceeded it.
Since then, I’ve started to do some things differently. I don’t just focus on walking. I don’t try to run as fast as I can. I’ve become intentional with walking, then adding a slow jog and put away my phone, which was distracting me. And… I’ve shaved 2 -3 minutes off the time I’m completing a mile. Still going slow.
Friends, it’s not easy to hear negative things about us. It’s not kind. But when we do, we have the opportunity to choose how we will receive it. Will we hear it and allow it to stop us from pursuing the things that are important to us, or will we hear it and use it as a stepping stone to encourage ourselves, and may end up encouraging thousands in the process?
We get to choose.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for limbs that still work. Thank you that you have given us a choice of how we will approach life and the things we need to do. Help us to be kind to those we meet, whether in life or on the internet.
Happy Father’s Day to the wonderful men in our lives. We honor and cherish you.