Speak To My Heart
I woke up asking the Lord for today’s topic. I started saying ‘speak to my heart’ as a request to know what to do, and my mind started hearing the words from this not so recent song. Are you in the midst of a situation and you don’t know whether to turn to the right […]
The Way I Will Show You
Almost every time I preach, the story or Abraham comes up. I can’t say it is or was intentional, but I am drawn to this Bible character. Abraham fascinates me. It may be because his call seems so vague, and yet, Abraham got up and did what God requested of Him. Genesis 12:1 states The […]
What Does the Bible Say About Work and Retirement?
This article was written by my CFAN colleague. Feb 23 Written By Anil “Neil” Chacko CFP®, CKA® “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Genesis 3:17 In my early years, I viewed work as a punishment. I felt that it was unfair that […]
Keep Going Anyway
I just read today’s Intouch devotion that confirmed my thoughts on what to share today. This past week I’ve been receiving notifications from Facebook that my posts are being removed. The notice as to why has been very vague. If you know me, you know I’m very careful about what I post – both on […]
Where is Your Voice?
While I had a great time away, I ended up returning with a very bad cold. For me, that’s not so unusual, and ordinarily isn’t a big deal, except this time it seemed to get progressively worse, and then ultimately caused me to lose my voice – which as far as I can remember, would […]
Always Better Than Expected
On relatively short notice, I decided to plan a cruise out of New York with my daughter for her winter recess. I have long recognized that the days are long, but the years are short and it’s becoming more real with each passing day. Because of the short notice, the trip was just to be […]
How to Save Time, Money and Mental Energy
Some time last year, I started the decluttering process in my home. To be completely transparent, I’m not quite sure what happened that made me say it was time. I started the slow process of one area at a time. I went to friends’ homes and wondered how they managed to have such a state […]
Extreme Measures
If you’re anything like me, I go to God and ask Him to solve a problem. As I always have my planning hat on, I also go with how the thing should be solved. Please tell me I’m not the only one. What I’ve noticed is that the way I ‘suggest’ He executes is never […]
‘Is There Anything Too Hard For the Lord?’
On Wednesday of this week, that was the anchor scripture of one of my daily devotions. It’s found in Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:27. Whenever I see this verse, it feels like a heavy hitter from God as those were words that He whispered clearly to my heart some years ago. I sat with it […]
Kindness Always Comes Back
When I was growing up, a grandmotherly figure shared that when we are kind, it always finds a way back to us, even if it’s not from the place where we first shared that kindness. I have kept this thought in the back of my mind for over 30 years. While this lady is now […]