Kaysian Gordon

Kaysian Gordon

Kaysian has felt the call to share with others the lessons that God has been teaching her. It’s in these lessons of God’s faithfulness that she has stepped out of her comfort zone and is pursuing the call that God has placed on her life – “Let us go and make men (and women) fishers of men.”

Trust Him

I started writing some years ago because I needed to process my thoughts with God. I’ve tended to keep everything close to the vest, so, writing became the outlet I needed. Then God told me that I should share publicly. As I’ve shared before, I came up with every excuse I could, but apparently none […]

Just Breathe

The last few weeks, I’ve been reading and seeing different things about our breath, and the ways we choose to breathe, depending on how life is happening. One day, a devotion was shared on sighing and what it meant. The title was ‘Your Sighing is a Symptom’, and there was a scripture from Psalm 38:9 […]