Answered prayers
When I was asked to speak last year, I just knew what my topic would be – Answered Prayers. The topic was on my heart since shortly after being asked to speak in February, but I wouldn’t actually speak until December.
I had plenty of time to prepare, and just knew that when December rolled around I could confidently talk about my prayers being answered.
I was wrong!
I started writing my presentation in bits and pieces in September. This was after yet another court date with our tenants, and we still did not have a resolution, but I was confident that God had heard our pleas and was going to come through right on time (my time).
Fast forward to the last week of November, and we were still waiting on our tenant situation to be resolved. My topic was ‘answered prayers’ but I was still waiting for my answer, and it seemed like it would never end. My presentation was done, and I was not confident in the end product. So, when I finally mustered the courage to share with my friend, and the response came back that I could do better, I was not surprised. I took it back to God and asked what I needed to do.
Rewrite, and change my topic.
And so I did. The topic was changed to ‘waiting seasons’. I shared on how I was waiting, as opposed to trying to present on a forced topic. That became much more powerful because there are so many people who are in seasons of waiting and needing to hold on just a little bit longer.
It’s now 2 months later, and I can finally tell you that my prayer has been answered. Fourteen months since I started praying for them to leave.
The tenants left last week and through the process that needed to be done, the marshal made it official a week later.
Are you in a waiting season? I know it’s hard. But I want to remind you that God hears you. He knows every tear that you have cried over the situation. He knows every time you think you can’t make it any farther and He longs to fill you with His strength. Lean on Him and trust that He will make ALL things perfect in His time.
Dear Lord, we thank you for waiting seasons that serve to strengthen our faith in you. Lord, help us to learn to persevere and to trust in you. Help us not to give up hope because you are a God who hears and answers prayers. We thank you for caring about every single detail of our lives.