In the bible, there is the story of the ten who were healed of leprosy. Ten men had come to Jesus, when they had leprosy and needed healing, begging for pity. As was the custom, they had to stay a far way from ‘clean’ people, so that’s what they did. On the way to the priests to show that they were healed, as Jesus had instructed, only one turned back and went to thank Him. One out of ten. Not a very encouraging statistic.
I think of the times when God has heard my prayers, something I may have been begging for for quite some time, but yet when I get it, I forget that the glory belongs to Him. Somehow, I seem to forget that when I was in dire need, His was the name that I called on.
I recently found a note of one of my prayer requests. It was during a particularly difficult time in my life from about two years ago. I saw clearly this past weekend how that prayer has been answered. While I couldn’t see it two years ago, God knew that I needed time to let go of certain things, and for that to come to fruition. And it was not answered in a way I expected, but better. Sometimes we cannot see how God is working when we ask, but what I’m coming to learn is that when you align your will to His, that He is faithful.
Let us not be like the other nine lepers who forgot where their healing came from and neglected to go back and say ‘thanks’. Think of any of your human relationships – if the only time you look for your friend is when you need something. Is that really a friendship you’d want to have?
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for answered prayers. Help us to remember that all good gifts come from you. Help us to remember to give you all the praise, honor and glory, when you opened doors that we thought were shut.